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Author: Olga Komarova | 8. November 2018

The members of GFMD’s Women in Media working group have joined forces to organise an event on the sidelines of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) that will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in March 2019. This is just one outcome of the regular exchange of GFMD members who connect, share knowledge and experiences, and develop joint activities with the facilitation of the GFMD secretariat.

During several meetings throughout the summer and fall of 2018, representatives from the GFMD network met to share information about their projects and the role of women in the media sector. These include International Media Support (IMS), Free Press Unlimited (FPU), Fojo Media Institute (Fojo), WAN-IFRA, International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the Media Diversity Institute (MDI), IREX, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Fondation Hirondelle, and Internews.

We learned about global gender media monitoring tools developed concurrently by Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Press Forward initiative by International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), research implemented by Fojo Media Institute, the female journalism safety programmes of International Media Support (IMS), FPU and IREX, Internews’ United for News Gender Initiative, the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) activities related to fighting hate speech online and WAN-IFRA’s Women in News programme.

The group is regularly discussing the various gender policies of media development organisations, best practices and diversity standards within newsroom with the view to share documents, and research that can be used both by newsrooms and the donor community.

When we launched our new website in August, one of the new, key features we were (and still are) the most excited about was a dedicated Resource Centre, which unites similar resources under a theme related to our working groups and projects. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at communications@gfmd.info if you would like to become a member and send us your resources and updates so we can add them to the page!


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