Journalism Support19. September 2018IMPACT OF HARASSMENTS AND ATTACKS ON FEMALE JOURNALISTSNew IWMF/Troll-Busters survey, “Attacks and Harassment: The Impact on Female Journalists and Their Reporting,” notes that nearly one-third of female…
Fundraising14. September 2018GFMD WEBINAR SERIES ON DONOR LANDSCAPE AND FUNDRAISINGGFMD is pleased to announce the launch of our Capacity Building Programme, aimed at building the capacity of regional and…
GFMD news28. August 2018GFMD GRANTED UN SPECIAL CONSULTATIVE STATUSOn July 24, GFMD was formally granted special consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). UN…
Digital Policy27. August 2018FNPI REPORT ON TRENDS THAT SHAPE DIGITAL AUDIENCE IN COLOMBIAThe Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for New Ibero-American Journalism (FNPI) and the Journalism Studies Center in the University of Andes-Ceper…
Digital Policy23. August 2018REUTERS INSTITUTE DIGITAL NEWS REPORT 2018Discover why the sharp decline in use of social media for news gives rise to fresh distribution avenues; why low…
Journalism Support22. August 2018MFWA STUDY ON MEDIA COVERAGE OF TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITYA new report from the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) explores the level and quality of media coverage of…
Journalism Support20. August 2018JOURNALISM, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS AND PREDICTIONS 2018This will be a critical year for the relationship between publishers and platforms, as companies like Google and Facebook fight a…
GFMD news13. August 2018GFMD-LED GROUP OF 23 ORGANISATIONS URGE THE EU TO SAFEGUARD MEDIA PLURALISMThe GFMD secretariat led a campaign with 23 of its member organisations to draft a joint letter urging the EU…
Journalism Support1. June 2018ARE JOURNALISTS KEEPING PACE WITH THE TECH REVOLUTION?In the recent webinar hosted by GFMD, panellists have shared their insights on how audience data can be used for…
Journalism Support24. May 2018REPORT ON MEDIA PLURALISM AND MEDIA FREEDOM IN THE EUOn 27 March the EU Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted the Report on media pluralism and…
Journalism Support14. May 2018SUPPORT TO INDEPENDENT MEDIA SHOWS SIGNS OF BEING REVITALISED"After years in the doldrums, support to independent media shows signs of being revitalised. Many donors are recognising that prospects…
Fundraising11. May 2018FUNDERS CONFIDENTIAL: WHAT MAKES A GOOD GRANT APPLICATIONFunders Confidential panel in International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy in early April attempted to expose the often-mysterious process that…
Journalism Support1. May 2018DART CENTER HOSTS PANELS ON CONFRONTING GENDERED THREATS AND INTERVIEW SAFETYAt the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy, the Dart Center hosted panels on dealing with gendered threats, and on interviewing people…
Journalism Support1. May 2018MEDIA DEVELOPMENT FUNDING UPDATE FROM CIMA"Tracking donor efforts to support media development is fundamental to assessing whether enough resources are being directed at these efforts,…
Fundraising15. April 2018A CALL FOR PHILANTHROPY IN LOCAL NEWS JOURNALISMIn a new report, "The Case for Philanthropic Support for Local Journalism in a Time of Market Upheaval", Tony Proscio, of…