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Syli CIC

Region: Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)

Syli is a newly formed non-profit organisation that supports mission-driven journalism in service of informed audiences around the world. They understand how to harness the power of media collaboration to bring about change. We know that a change in journalism will result in a change in climate outcomes.

Their vision is a world in which everyone has access to equitable, trustworthy and accurate information. Their mission is to support and advance mission-driven journalism by fostering new and forward-looking concepts, identifying sustainable financial models for journalism, and creating a healthier, more sustainable media ecosystem for better informed global audiences who are empowered to take action for the benefit of all people, communities and the planet.

Country registered in: United Kingdom

  • Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Topical


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