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Media Action Nepal

Region: Asia, Pacific, and Oceania

Since its inception, MAN has initiated and implemented with need-based communications and media initiatives. The organization collaborates with national and international partners by offering and providing services guided by the UN instruments on human rights and humanitarian laws, including UDHR, ICCPR, CEDAW, CRC, ILO conventions, sustainable development goals, national plans, and fundamental rights provisions within the constitution of Nepal –all meant to defend democracy and media freedom to ensure free and accountable media. MAN uses capacity-building approaches, research and policy advocacy in line with the national and international human rights and media rights instruments and the periodic development agenda.

Media Action Nepal (MAN)’s vision is to promote the culture of free expression and strengthen an independent, vibrant and accountable media. MAN protects journalists from attacks, promotes accountable media and combats the impunity of perpetrators to preserve the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and the right to information guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights treaties and the Nepalese Constitution.

Country registered in: Nepal

  • Asia, Pacific, and Oceania
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • National


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