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International Network of Street Papers (INSP)

Region: Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)

INSP, the International Network of Street Papers, is a non-profit organization committed to addressing global poverty and homelessness. Their mission involves empowering individuals and street paper enterprises to tackle these issues locally. Their vision is to provide opportunities for those in poverty to earn income and have their stories heard. INSP supports street papers by facilitating start-ups, development, and scaling through regional networks and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. They also serve as an international news agency for street papers, connecting them with supporters to build a global movement against poverty. The organization emphasizes the transformative impact of collaboration and the power of connection in creating a more inclusive world.

Country registered in: United Kingdom

  • Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Topical


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