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International Fact-Checking Network

Region: Global (working in 2 or more regions)

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter was launched in 2015 to bring together the growing community of fact-checkers around the world. The network advocates for information integrity in the global fight against misinformation and supports fact-checkers through networking, capacity building and collaboration. IFCN’s network reaches more than 170 fact-checking organizations worldwide through advocacy, training and global events. Our team monitors trends in the fact-checking field to offer resources to fact-checkers, contribute to public discourse and provide support for new projects and initiatives that advance accountability in journalism.

We believe truth and transparency can help people be better informed and equipped to navigate harmful misinformation.

Country registered in: United States

  • Global (working in 2 or more regions)
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Global


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