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Region: Middle East and North Africa

Febrayer’s mission is to foster the development of a sustainable and secure ecosystem for independent media in the Arabic-speaking region. Our founding members are Mada Masr, Sowt, Megaphone and Al Jumhuriya, and we collaborate with a wide range of media organizations and journalists across the region.

Our main projects are designed to cater to the main needs of our ecosystem:

– We are at the feasibility study stage for the creation of a regional fund for the Arab independent media. More communication will come soon on this very exciting project.

– Febrayer runs the Counter Academy for Arab Journalism that trains young journalists from all over the MENA region who for the vast majority don’t have access to journalism training. We provide them with the background knowledge they need to develop a critical eye on the topics they cover thanks to classes in history, social sciences, critical theory, feminism..
We give them a work opportunity at the end of the cursus with a paid internship in one of our partner media operations. Most of our graduates are now regular contributors in publications across the region.

– Febrayer is an exchange and collaboration hub for its field: we invite the best Arab independent media to a physical meet-up every other year to get to know each other, discuss current challenges and potential collaborations.
We produce joint editorial work and production on topics of relevance across the region, in the form of online dossiers and publications disseminated across the network.

– We provide a safe base and contingency support to the field whenever needed.

Country registered in: Germany

  • Middle East and North Africa
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Regional


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