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Faktograf – Association for the Informed Public
Region: Asia, Pacific, and Oceania
Faktograf – Association for the Informed Public is a non-profit media organisation working towards the development of good journalism, critical thinking and informed public. For us, good journalism places things in context, emphasises what is relevant and elaborates what is unclear.
The association is the publisher of the Faktograf.hr portal, the only medium in Croatia that specializes in fact-checking. Faktograf.hr is member of the IFCN (International Fact Checking Network), an international network of organisations dedicated to fact-checking. The independence in editorial policy of the Faktograf.hr portal is guaranteed also by the Editorial Statute. The impressum of the Faktograf portal is available here.
Faktograf Assotiation is a member of EFCSN (European Fact-Checking Standards Network), an association of fact-checking organisations who commit to the standards of independence, transparency, and journalistic quality. Fakograf is also a founding member of SEECheck, a regional
fact-checking network.
Country registered in: Croatia
- Asia, Pacific, and Oceania
- Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia
- Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
- Affiliate
- General
Organisation type:
- Regional