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Ethical Journalism Network (EJN)

Region: Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)

The Ethical Journalism Network promotes ethics, good governance and independent regulation of media content.

The EJN was formed in 2011 as a unifying professional campaign bringing together owners, editors and media staff to strengthen the craft of journalism. It works across all platforms and supports partnership at national and international level between media, journalism support groups and the public.

The EJN calls for a new front in defence of quality journalism to counter efforts by governments and special interests to control the work of media.

Amidst the turbulence of the information revolution there have never been better opportunities for media professionals to work with audiences who can respond instantly to what they see, hear and read. The same technology that is abused by Governments to spy on their citizens and journalists or is exploited by others to spread hateful messages can also be used to increase transparency, raise standards and build trust in democracy.

The need to inspire public trust in credible and accountable journalism has never been greater. On one side governments may seek to control media, censor journalists and promote their own propaganda. On the other side, journalism is often weakened by a corrupt media business environment. Political and corporate spin makes for deceptive handling of the truth; there is more rumour, speculation and anonymous, often harmful, communication; and there is a rush to publish that makes verification and fact-checking increasingly difficult.

Country registered in: United Kingdom

  • Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Topical


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