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Erich Brost Institut gGmbH

Region: Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)

Research: The Erich Brost Institute initiates comparative research projects and publications dealing with international journalism cultures and media systems, innovations in international journalism and intercultural communication processes, with a special focus on Europe.
Networks: The Erich Brost Institute provides a platform for exchanging ideas on international journalism by creating a worldwide network of scientists and practitioners. To keep track of the various perspectives in the field, the institute organizes conferences and presentations, invites visiting professors and participates in international projects.
Journalism education: The Erich Brost Institute provides journalism students at Dortmund University with an international perspective by offering seminars in international media systems and journalism cultures, field trips abroad, and by inviting international guests. Furthermore, the Erich Brost Institute is also actively involved in the education of international journalists in developing countries and societies in transformation as a counsellor on curriculum development and research activities.

Country registered in: Germany

  • Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
  • General
Organisation type:
  • Topical


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