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CORRECTIV – Recherchen für die Gesellschaft gGmbH

Region: Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)

Investigative journalism stands at the heart of CORRECTIV. Our reporters conduct long-term investigations in the public interest and uncover systematic abuses, corruption and unethical behavior.

Our investigations are characterized by depth and factual accuracy. This is more important than ever in a digital society and today’s globalized world. Whether it is tax fraud, illegal party financing or intentional fake news – we want to make visible where power is being abused. In doing so, we always keep an eye on the global dimensions of corruption, exploitation and the undermining of democratic processes. With our investigations, we bring important issues into public discourse.

As a non-profit organization, we are convinced that independent journalism should not only be available behind pay barriers. Our content is free for everyone, so that citizens can play an informed role in our pluralistic society.

CORRECTIV is supported by private donors and grants from foundations and institutions. Thus, our journalism is not driven by quotas, advertising or politics, but oriented towards citizens instead.

Country registered in: Germany

  • Europe (Central, Northern, Southern, Western)
Member type:
  • Affiliate
Organisation type:
  • National


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