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Usaid Liberia Opens Call for Applications for Media Activity Program

Status: Open

  • Grant

Funding Size: N/A

Deadline: Ongoing

  • Eligibility:
    • Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted.
    • USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
  • Funding amount: More than $1 million
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target countries: Liberia
  • Application languages: English

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Media Activity in Liberia to implement reforms and improve effectively, accountable, and inclusive governance.

The purpose of the activity is to enhance the human and institutional capacity of the media while advocating for and maintaining current media freedoms to reliably carry out responsible journalism, drive reforms, and increase revenue.


This activity is expected to achieve the following objectives:

  • Capacity of media to produce reliable, relevant, and accurate information enhanced
  • Media’s ability to serve as a conduit for information between citizens and government enhanced
  • Organizational and financial sustainability of community radio stations improved
  • Enabling environment for freer media strengthened


Building on lessons learned from LMD and analysis of challenges to Liberan media, the Media Activity will support three key themes to help strengthen the capacity and sustainability of media organizations:

  • Enhancing the Quality of Reporting: This includes editorial oversight to ensure accuracy and relevance, and reduce bias; efficient content distribution; alignment of content with development-related thematic areas, e.g., conflict prevention, gender equality, Countertrafficking in Persons (CTIP), human rights, etc.
  • Institution Strengthening: This includes robust organizational policies and internal management structures; strategy and business planning and implementation; and integration of new technologies and media, e.g., social media.
    Financial Sustainability: This requires strategies for revenue generation and marketing, private sector engagement, and access to reliable alternate power sources.

Find out more and apply here

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