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Science Misinformation Journalism Grant

Organisation: Pulitzer Center

Status: Open

  • Grant
  • Investigative journalism
  • Mis- and Disinformation

Funding Size: Funding amounts vary based on project scope

Deadline: Ongoing

  • Eligibility Criteria: The Science Misinformation Journalism Grant Open to U.S. residents and journalists worldwide. Applications are accepted from freelance journalists, staff journalists, or groups of newsrooms collaborating on a project idea. The Pulitzer Center encourages proposals from journalists and newsrooms representing diverse social, racial, ethnic, and underrepresented groups, as well as individuals from varied economic backgrounds.
  • Type of Funding: Media Support
  • Target Region: Global
  • Application Language: English
  • Support investigative and in-depth journalism tackling science misinformation and disinformation.
  • Expose purveyors and platforms spreading false scientific narratives.
  • Help newsrooms and journalists develop innovative responses to misinformation.
Project Themes
  • The spread of scientific misinformation, pseudoscience, and its impact.
  • Journalistic challenges in reporting science news amid disinformation campaigns.
  • Identifying actors and organizations benefiting from science misinformation.
  • Unique perspectives on the role of mass media in amplifying pseudoscience.
    Creative approaches to countering misinformation using innovative storytelling methods (e.g.,
  • data journalism, podcasts, documentary videos, social media platforms).

Financial Support: Funding amounts vary based on project scope. Applicants should propose budgets appropriate to their projects.

Deadline: Rolling

See here to learn more and apply.

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