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Pascal Decroos Fund for Investigative Journalism

Organisation: Journalismfund Europe

Status: Open

  • Grant
  • Investigative journalism

Funding Size: €80,000 allocated per round.

Deadline: 13/11/2025

  • Eligibility Criteria: The Pascal Decroos Fund is open to professional investigative journalists, both emerging and experienced, who aim to publish their work in a Flemish medium. The research must be relevant to the Flemish audience.
  • Type of Funding: Investigative Journalism
  • Target Region: Belgium (Flanders)
  • Application Language: Dutch
  • Support distinctive investigative journalism projects in Dutch-language media in Belgium.
  • Provide financial resources to journalists to execute in-depth investigative ideas.
  • Contribute to high-quality investigative journalism in Flanders.
  • Foster opportunities for young journalistic talent and encourage collaboration across different societal sectors.
Project Themes
  • In-depth investigative journalism in Flanders.
  • Topics relevant to the Flemish audience, including political, social, economic, and environmental issues.
  • Long-form journalism that requires extensive research and resources.
Financial Support

Total funding available in 2025: €320,000
The funding is distributed over four application rounds, with approximately €80,000 allocated per round.

Deadline:  Second round: Thursday, 15 May 2025, 13:00 CEST
                  Third round: Thursday, 21 August 2025, 13:00 CEST
                  Fourth round: Thursday, 13 November 2025, 13:00 CET

See here to learn more and apply.

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