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Open Call for Small Grants Scheme Journalists & Media Organizations – Armenia

Organisation: European Union

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Democracy and good governance

Funding Size: Up to €9.000

Deadline: 15/09/2023

  • Eligibility Criteria
    – This call for proposals is open to media organizations, journalists, or groups of journalists with the status of a legal person, established in Armenia.
    – In case of consortia of organizations or groups of journalists, the main applicant will be responsible for the overall implementation of the action and reporting.
    – Public administration institutions, state agencies, local or regional authorities, political parties or organizations affiliated with political parties are not eligible for this call.
    – Applications should be submitted in English.
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target countries: Armenia
  • Application language: English

The project #Juremonia funded by the European Union announces a project proposal competition for receiving grants. The call is open to media organizations and/or journalists from the Republic of Armenia.

The aim of small grants is to engage and support media organizations (or journalists or groups of journalists) in their monitoring, reporting, and advocacy efforts on Justice reforms as well as to create public awareness of the reforms and to stimulate cooperation between civil society and media in advocacy initiatives.

If the allocation per each area of reforms cannot be complied with due to insufficient quality or the number of proposals received, the contracting authority reserves the right to reallocate the funds to the other areas. In addition, the contracting authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.

For this call, up to four grants will be awarded to media organizations and/or journalists and up to three will be placed on a reserve list, to be awarded in 2024. In total, a maximum of seven grants will be awarded during the project to media organizations and/or journalists.

Awarded entries should cover the Strategy of the Penitentiary and Probation, the Strategy for Legal and Judicial Reforms, the Police Reform Strategy, and the Anti-Corruption Strategy, in which the monitoring, reporting, and advocacy take into account the overarching National Strategy for Human Rights Protection in the background.

Funding Information

  • Media organizations, journalists will be supported up to the 9000 EUR maximum per grant. In total, up to four grants will be awarded during this call.
  • Proposed project duration is for 12 to 18 months.

Applicants must submit the following documents as annex to the full proposal:

  • Annex 1: Application Form.
  • Annex 2: Publications plan.
  • Annex 3: Budget.
  • Evidence of previous publications on field of Anticorruption, Police, Judicial reforms, Prisons, Probation, Human Rights
    (please provide max. five publications from the last five years);
  • Registration certificate of the organization or proof of registration for self-employed journalists (original with at least an informal English translation). In case of consortia certificates of all the members are required.
  • CVs of involved staff. – If the proposal is submitted by a consortium: an outline of the cooperation process and the division of tasks between individual members should be included in the application form.

See here to learn more and apply.

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