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Ocean Media Initiative Story Grants 2022: Covering the High Seas

Organisation: Earth Journalism Network

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Environmental journalism

Funding Size: $1,200 (per grant)

Deadline: 02/03/2022

  • Eligibility criteria:
    – Applicants can be from any country in the world; applicants from coastal countries are preferred.
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target countries: Worldwide
  • Application language: English, Spanish, French, Bahasa Indonesia, and Portuguese.

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is inviting applications that offer Reporting Grants to journalists from around the world to support the production of in-depth reporting on the high seas.

Oceans are the foundation of the blue planet on which live. A vital life support system for Earth, they regulate the global climate, provide significant amounts of protein and serve as a massive carbon sink.

The interaction between the ocean, the atmosphere, and human impacts is altering both the climate and the ocean itself, and the change is intensifying. Yet the reality of what they are facing is not always known or fully understood by citizens or policymakers.

They expect to award up to 10 grants with an average budget of $1200 each.

See here to learn more and apply.

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