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New Cooperation Mechanism

Organisation: New Democracy Fund

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Democracy and good governance

Funding Size: DKK 50,000 to DKK 1,200,000

Deadline: 14/05/2023

  • Eligibility Criteria:
    The New Cooperation Mechanism supports a broad variety of: 
    Danish civil society actors, registered in Denmark, who want to engage or deepen partnerships with civil society in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. The Danish partner, being a lead applicant, must submit a joint application with its partner from the Eastern Neighbourhood Country. 
    – Civil society actors are broadly defined as democratically organised civil society organisations, social movements, media, academia, trade unions as well as community-based groups and organisations, including cultural, educational, and knowledge institutions.   
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target countries: Eastern Neighborhood Countries
  • Application language: English

The New Democracy Fund has launched the applications for the New Cooperation Mechanism.

The purpose of the New Cooperation Mechanism is to provide Danish civil society actors with an opportunity to start new or extend existing partnerships in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – to promote democratic dialogue, hold duty-bearers to account, and ensure that the voice of the rights holders is heard.   

The NC goes beyond traditional development assistance and will favour innovative partnerships that are willing to take risks. These partnerships should work within the five thematic areas: youth, media, culture, labour market and just and green transition. These areas are enforced by a cross-cutting emphasis on gender, inclusion, and human rights.

The New Cooperation Mechanism strives to support projects that focus on:  

  • Sustainable and long-lasting cooperation between civil society actors in Denmark and the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries, in which the applicants strive towards establishing long-lasting cooperation and solid exit strategies. 
    The maximum budget amount is up to DKK 1,200,000.   
  • Shorter term actions, enabling Danish civil society to search, continue and/or develop existing or new partnerships in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. 
    The budget amount is within the range of DKK 50-150,000.

Please notice that these projects require a separate application form.  

See here to learn more and apply.

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