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Local Community Access Grants Program in Australia

Organisation: State Government of Victoria

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Health and covid-reporting

Funding Size: $20,000

Deadline: 24/01/2022

  • Eligibility Criteria: 
    – LCAGP is an open and competitive grant program driven by eligibility and merit-based assessment of applications, administered by the Priority Communities Vaccination Unit (PCVU) within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing;
    – Community organisations and neighbourhood houses can apply for funding that promotes and increases vaccine confidence through community engagement and improves access by removing practical barriers to COVID-19 vaccinations. Projects need to support one or more priority groups.
  • Type of Funding: Programmatic
  • Target Country: Australia
  • Application language: English

The State Government of Victoria is pleased to launch Local Community Access Grants Program (LCAGP) to support community organisations and neighbourhood houses to deliver activities that reduce COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and hesitancy.

The LCAGP is an open grant program driven by eligibility and merit-based assessment of applications. The Priority Communities Vaccination Unit (PCVU) within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing is running the program.

See here to learn more and apply.

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