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Kozik Environmental Justice Reporting Grant

Organisation: National Press Foundation

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Environmental journalism

Funding Size: $10,000 - $25,000

Deadline: 24/04/2024

  • Eligibility Criteria
    – Applicants must be journalists based in the United States who cover or plan to cover environmental justice and environmental racism in the United States;
  • Type of Funding: Programmatic
  • Target Region: United States of America
  • Application Language: English

The National Press Foundation and the National Press Club Journalism Institute jointly award the Kozik Environmental Justice Reporting Grant to U.S.-based journalists who plan to cover environmental justice

Kozik Environmental Justice Reporting Grant Rules
  • Journalists must submit a one to two-page proposal by April 24, 2024, explaining the project they wish to cover, a budget to explain the amount requested, and where the finished work would likely appear. They are looking to support people, their passion, and their purpose, so please reflect that in your proposal. The application is here.
  • Submit three samples of your work that you’re most proud of having produced. The submitted work doesn’t have to cover environmental justice; in your application, help the judges connect the work you’ve done and the work you’re hoping to do with these funds.
  • Newsroom journalists must submit a note of support from their supervisor.  Freelance journalists should submit a note from an assignment editor expressing interest in their work.
  • Judges will be professional journalists or former journalists knowledgeable about environmental justice.
  • Depending on the number of grant applicants and the sums requested, organizers may opt to distribute the grants on a rolling basis until all of the funds are distributed.
  • Half of each grant shall be paid when the grant is awarded. The final half will be paid when the finished work is complete.
  • The grant is intended to cover reporting, writing and travel expenses for the project. For freelance journalists, a portion of the grant may also be used to support living expenses.
  • If you are receiving support for this project from another grant or foundation, please include that information in your application.
  • The grantees will receive mentorship support coordinated by NPCJI, to be determined once they are selected, and will also have the opportunity to support each other as a cohort.
  • Work must be published or broadcast, or an extension requested, by April 24, 2024, in a U.S.-based media outlet.
  • In the published or broadcast work, credit must be given to the “Kozik Grants funded by the National Press Foundation and the National Press Club Journalism Institute.” NPF and NPCJI shall have the right to display the published works on their respective websites. However, the creator and publisher of the work will retain the copyright.
Funding Information

Grants ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 will be awarded to support journalism in any medium that centers on environmental justice and environmental racism in the United States. This could include coverage of the disproportionate harms to disadvantaged communities from pollution, the effects of climate change, or other relevant topics.

See here to learn more and apply.

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