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International Federation of Journalists’ Safety Fund

Organisation: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Emergency support

Funding Size: Over 1000 EURO

Deadline: 31/12/2023

  • Eligibility Criteria:
    – A genuine need for legal, medical, security and living expenses;
    – Emergency situation related to the practice of journalism;
    – Emergency situation related to the practice of journalism;
    – The claim has to be supported, to the extent possible, by IFJ affiliates familiar with the case.
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target countries: Global
  • Application language: English

The International Federation of Journalists has launched the Safety Fund to offer financial assistance in a range of emergency cases such as threats, violence and threats thereof, prosecution, settlement in exile and illness.

The IFJ’s Safety Fund is a lifeline for journalists facing violence, persecution and threat or needing medical treatment. It is a shining example of journalist to journalist solidarity, providing immediate relief to those in danger and need around the world.

The IFJ Safety Fund is funded by journalists for journalists and their families. The Fund provides humanitarian help and solidarity to journalists and media professionals everywhere, whether or not they are members of IFJ unions.

Who can apply?

  • Beneficiaries of the Fund include anyone in the news-reporting business who finds themselves in financial straits as a result of work-related reasons such as:forced exile due to threats at home;
  • Litigation needing help with legal fees;
  • Medical expenses for injured journalists and;
  • Travel costs to cover journeys to safety.

Funding Information

The application is assessed, and a proposal is submitted to the IFJ General Secretary who can:

  • Approve the request and allocate, ex officio, the grant to be given (for any amount up to 1000 EUR).
  • Seek approval of the Safety Board (for amounts over 1000 EUR).

See here to learn more and apply.

Access the Fundraising Guide for expert advice on how to improve your fundraising applications and to identify prospective donors.


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