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Grants to strengthen CSOs as Independent Actors of Good Governance and Development in their Own Right

Organisation: European Commission

Status: Closed

  • Grant

Funding Size: 300,000€

Deadline: 18/04/2022

  • Eligibility criteria:
    – lead applicant must: be a legal person or an entity without legal personality and be non-profit-making and
    be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation and/or their associations, international (inter-governmental) organisation and be established in a Member State of the European Union or the Republic of Namibia. 
  • Type of funding: Programmatic
  • Target country: The Republic of Namibia, Member State of the European Union
  • Application language: English

The European Commission (EC) is inviting proposals entitled “Support to Civil Society in Namibia: Strengthening Civil Society as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right”. Activities funded under this call for proposals will support an informed, inclusive and constructive CSOs participation in policy dialogue with partner-country actors and the EU, as well as their role as efficient implementing partners, advocates, and watchdogs. All initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner’s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach, enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate.

Actions aimed at funding service delivery through CSOs will only considered under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 2,100,000.
Indicative allocation of funds by lot/geographical distribution. One of these lots considers media, namely:

  • LOT 3: Support to CSOs: Media Ecology and/or Access to Information. The overall indicative amount made available under this lot is EUR 300,000.

See here to learn more and apply.

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