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Earth Journalism Network Asia-Pacific Media Grants 2023

Organisation: Earth Journalism Network

Status: Closed

  • Grant
  • Environmental journalism

Funding Size: $5,000 to $20,000

Deadline: 31/01/2023

  • Eligibility criteria:
    – Media organizations, journalist networks, universities and academic institutions focusing on environmental reporting in the Asia and Pacific region are welcome to apply.
    – Civil society organizations, community-based groups and research institutes will also be considered – but only those with strong media and communication components that are dedicated to supporting fair and accurate environmental reporting. 
  • Type of funding: Grant
  • Target countries: Asia and the Pacific
  • Application language: English

Earth Journalism Network’s Asia-Pacific project aims to boost the quantity and quality of environmental coverage in the region and empower at-risk communities by informing them about environmental issues and amplifying their voices in the media.

The organisation is looking for innovative ideas from journalist networks, media organizations, civil society organisations and academic institutions throughout Asia and the Pacific. These ideas must seek to strengthen public awareness of the interconnection of human, animal and environmental health, and the need for collaborative and multidisciplinary solutions to humanity’s biggest threats.

Proposed activities should contribute to the following objectives:

  • Strengthen the capacity of journalists and media organizations to produce high-quality, evidence-based and engaging environmental stories on the consequences of human impacts on the environment and viable solutions to mitigate and respond to these impacts.
  • Increase high-quality content and media coverage on key environmental themes to focus public attention on the interdependence of the health and well-being of humans, and their environments.
  • Increase public attention to the disproportionate impacts of environmental degradation on women, the poor, youth, indigenous peoples, and other vulnerable groups and increase their access to high-quality, publicly available environmental information.
  • Contribute to positive changes in government policies, businesses environmental standards or consumer habits for a more sustainable way of life.

This project has received financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

See here to learn more and apply.

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