Status: Open
- Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
Key Information
- Eligibility: Applicants must be either working as journalists for New Zealand news organizations or as freelance journalist or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Preference will be given to candidates who:
- are interested in deepening their knowledge of Asia;
- have a proven track record in journalism; are currently based in New Zealand;
- can provide a stimulating, well-researched and focused proposal outlining story ideas;
- can demonstrate that their material is likely to reach a substantial audience.
- Funding amount: On a competitive basis
- Type of funding: Grants
- Target countries: New Zealand and Asia
- Application languages: English
Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Media Travel Grants program offers New Zealand journalists the chance to travel independently to Asia to research and prepare stories – to help demystify Asia for New Zealand audiences.
The Foundation will consider proposals that seek to increase New Zealanders’ understanding of the Asia region, and proposals that promote themes of economic, political, social or strategic change in Asia – and the implications of these changes for New Zealand.
Applications that provide information about proposed features and interviewees, outlets for the stories, supporting letters from relevant editors/producers, costs and itineraries have a greater chance of acceptance.
Read more about the project here.