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Survey :Strengthening women and marginalized groups through media development

Status: Closed

Organisation: Deutsche Welle Akademie

Deadline: 01/12/2023

Location: Online

DW Akademie cordially invites you to participate in the survey “Strengthening women and marginalized groups through media development”. The survey is part of a study conducted by DW Akademie and will only take 10 minutes to complete.

About the study

With the study, they aim to increase insights into how media development promotes women and other marginalized groups. More specifically, they would like to hear how your work in media development relates to strengthening the rights, representation, and resources of women and marginalized groups.

This will help them better understand the impact of media development on vulnerable groups and develop recommendations for donor countries and international organizations. Hence, your opinion is crucial!

How to take part

The survey will be open until Friday, 1 December 2023, 23:59 CET. The survey is in English.

Please click on the link below to start the survey: 


If you have any questions, please contact one of the two study leads at any time. 

Miriam Kueller: Miriam.Kueller@dw.com Alexandra Spaeth: Alexandra.Spaeth@dw.com 

Your answers are anonymous. All answers will be aggregated and analyzed as a group (not by individual), thus ensuring that they cannot be traced back to you personally or your organization. 

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