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Special issue on media ownership and resilience in the digital age (Call for Papers)

Status: Open

Organisation: Resilient Media EU

Deadline: 30/10/2024

Location: Online

The online quarterly journal Communication & Society will be publishing a special issue in April 2025 on resilient media companies and the role of media ownership in the industry of digital contents, as part of the ReMeD project under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research.

For this special issue, they invite authors to contribute empirical and theoretical research on how ownership can influence the continuity of news media and its essential role in democracy. The paper aims at examining topics such as (non-exhaustive list):

  • Financial stability and market concentration in the digital era
  • Editorial independence and audience trust in relation to media ownership
  • The role of private and public ownership in shaping media content
  • Impact of changes in media ownership and ownership on content policies and strategies
Submission guidelines

The deadline for submissions is October 30, 2024. For more information about this opportunity and to submit your paper, please click here.

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