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Social Media Ambassadors Program

Status: Closed

Organisation: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

Deadline: 30/11/2024

Location: Online

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) has launched its 6th call for applications to the GLF Social Media Ambassadors Program.

The GLF Social Media Ambassadors program unites diverse voices to shape the narrative on sustainable landscapes by creating impactful content and engaging global audiences. With training and connections to leading organisations, these young volunteers receive the skills and mentorship to use their voices for a more sustainable future.

Throughout their ambassadorship, volunteers have received training sessions in content creation, sponsored trips to cover the GLF events as social media correspondents, and valuable connections with leading organisations.

Who can apply?

If you are between 18 and 35 years old and are motivated to engage and contribute to a global community of changemakers through your own social media channels, then this volunteer program is for you.

Application guidelines

The deadline for applications is November 30, 2024. For more information about this opportunity and to apply, please click here.

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