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RINGO Phase 2 Research Survey – Voices from the South: Key insights to strengthen the impact of INGO boards and funders

Status: Closed

Deadline: 08/10/2023

Location: Online

Calling all local and national civil society! You are invited to share your views and experiences in relation to what INGOs and institutional funders can and should do differently to transform policy and practice in order to create a just, equitable and empowering development paradigm. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

What should INGOs and funders do differently?

So far Re-imagining INGO (RINGO) Project has received over 520 responses from all over the world and received valuable insights on key issue areas: resource flows; solidarity and partnerships; accountability, impact and measurement; risk management; and ways of working.

The project will use your responses to create advocacy tools to help different actors across civil society to better understand the perspectives of local and national organisations and to influence funders and INGOs to reimagine their role in equitable and sustainable development.

Click here to access the survey, and add your voice

Pour le sondage en français, cliquez ici

Para consultar la encuesta en español, haga clic aquí

Para ver o inquérito em português, clique aqui

This survey is commissioned by the Re-imagining INGO (RINGO) Project hosted by the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) with support from the Zambia Governance Foundation (ZGF), East Africa Philanthropy Network (EAPN), UnidOSC and the Social Innovations Advisory, Ltd.

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