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Radio Professionals Initiative in Pakistan

Status: Closed

Organisation: Global Neighbourhood for Media Innovation

Deadline: 20/10/2024

Location: Pakistan

The Global Neighbourhood for Media Innovation (GNMI) is seeking applications for its Radio Professionals Initiative to focus on empowering radio professionals in Sindh and Balochistan to create and broadcast impactful content that promotes cultural diversity and enhances U.S.-Pakistan collaboration under the “Green Alliance” framework.

Program Opportunities

As part of the Radio Professionals Initiative, you will enjoy the following opportunities:

  • Capacity-Building Workshops for Selected Applicants
  • Opportunity to Participate in Mentorship Program
  • Opportunity to Win Content Creation Grants
  • Opportunity to Participate in a Study Tour to the U.S
  • Collaborative Production Opportunity
  • Opportunity of Presenting your Work at the Showcasing Events
Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the program, candidates must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Radio Professionals: They welcome applications from Radio Executives, Radio Broadcasters, Journalists, and Radio Content Creators actively engaged in creating content for radio platforms in Sindh and Balochistan.
  • Commitment to Airing Content: Selected participants must commit to airing content created during the training sessions on their respective radio platforms. Applicants should outline a clear strategy for broadcasting their produced content.
  • Age Range: Applicants should be between 25 to 45 years old.
  • Work Experience: Applicants must have at least 3 years of professional experience working in radio, including content creation, broadcasting, or journalism.
  • Regional Focus: Applicants must be based in Sindh or Balochistan and should have a strong connection with the local media landscape and communities.
  • Interest in U.S.-Pakistan Collaboration: Candidates must be interested in fostering collaboration between U.S. and Pakistani media and incorporating U.S.-Pakistan bilateral cooperation themes into their radio content, particularly the “Green Alliance” framework.
Application guidelines

The deadline for applications is October 20, 2024. For more information about this opportunity and to apply, please click here.

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