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Public consultation on the draft recommendation of the CM on combating the use of SLAPPs/SLAPPs/SLAPPs

Status: Closed

Organisation: Council of Europe

Deadline: 02/08/2023

Location: Online

The public consultation on the draft text of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation on combating the use of SLAPPs/SLAPPs/SLAPPs is open from 21 June to 2 August 2023. This Recommendation will provide non-binding guidance to Member States and other key actors on measures to prevent and counter legal actions, proceedings, and other actions in relation to public participation and expression on matters of public interest, the main objective of which is to prevent, restrict or penalize the exercise of rights associated with public participation.

The Committee of Experts on Strategic Prosecutions against Public Participation (MSI-SLP), subordinate to the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe, is responsible for producing the Draft Recommendation on Strategic Prosecutions against Public Mobilisation (SLAPP) before the end of 2023. Relevant information on the mandate, composition, and work of the MSI-SLP is available on the dedicated website.

Draft CM Recommendation on Combating Strategic Prosecutions of Public Participation (SLAPP)

 Comments can be submitted here

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