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JournalismAI Global Survey 2023

Status: Open

Organisation: JournalismAI

Deadline: Ongoing

Location: Online

JournalismAI is a project of Polis – the journalism think-tank at the London School of Economics and Political Science – developed in collaboration with the Google News Initiative. 

This research project is designed to identify the challenges and opportunities facing newsrooms with regard to the use of AI technologies and examine the changes that have taken place since our 2019 JournalismAI report: New powers, new responsibilities. A global survey of journalism and artificial intelligence. The purpose is to help the industry identify best practices, useful strategies, and pathways to efficiency and innovation.

When saying “AI” we rely on the definition included in the Reuters Institute’s report on How UK Media Cover Artificial Intelligence, which defines AI as “a collection of ideas, technologies, and techniques that relate to a computer system’s capacity to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence.” This might include machine learning, automation, and data analysis.

By completing the survey, you will be providing invaluable insights that will be of critical importance to the development of our research and training efforts. If you wish, you will also become part of a global community of innovators interested in building a sustainable and ethical future for the use of AI technologies in journalism.

Please only answer the questions that are applicable to your organisation. Feel free to answer the questions that do not apply to “NA’” or “I haven’t thought about that”.

For questions and/or queries, please send an email to the JournalismAI manager, Tshepo at tshepo@journalismai.info

Fill out the survey here.

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