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Hosting Regional Dialogues at GDC Forum 2024

Status: Closed

Organisation: International IDEA

Deadline: 08/01/2024

Location: South Korea

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) seeks to employ an organization for the assignment entitled: Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2024. The services include hosting one of the regional legs of the Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2024.

Scheduled for the second week of March 2024, the GDC Forum 2024 is designed as a week-long celebration of democracy, bringing together a diverse array of organizations, policymakers, and advocates from around the world. Central to this celebration are regional dialogues, with each region spotlighted over a dedicated day, providing an invaluable opportunity to delve into regional perspectives on democracy.

They invite GDC partners to take the lead in hosting the regional dialogue for their respective regions. The selected organization will play a crucial role in shaping the discussions around the democratic narrative within their region and contributing to the global discourse on democracy. Through carefully curated sessions, we aim to explore the unique democratic challenges and opportunities of each region, fostering dialogue that will influence the third Summit for Democracy and contribute to the GDC’s upcoming Advocacy Campaign.

Proposals should be submitted as a comprehensive package, including a Letter of Interest, the Proposal, and a Brief Budget, by 8 January 2024 to e.ballestebuxo@idea.int, copying a.koviazina@idea.int.

A detailed description of the assignment is provided in the Terms of Reference attached to this Letter of Invitation.

Learn more here about the Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2024 in this concept note.

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