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Data-driven journalism: Survey on data processing and cloud services for newsrooms

Status: Open

Organisation: Emerging Journalism Tech Alliance

Deadline: Ongoing

Location: Online

The Emerging Journalism Tech Alliance, spearheaded by GFMD, the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), in collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), Center for Journalism and Liberty, Big Local News, and the Pulitzer Centre, is launching a survey to gain insights into the requirements of various newsrooms and journalism organisations regarding data science, storage, and data processing.

Aim of this survey

  • This consultation survey is designed to gather input on what kind of data work you do, what tools specifically you host or run yourselves, what kind of data is stored in them, what platforms you are using, and any significant cost centers for your organisation.
  • We would also like to know if you are interested in joining an alliance of similar organisations working to improve access to and reduce the costs associated with the use of computational and cloud services.

How long does it take to answer the survey? 

  • The multiple-choice questions in the survey should take no more than 15 minutes to answer. However, it would be particularly helpful if you could add additional suggestions and ideas in the comment boxes provided.

When is the deadline? 

  • The deadline for responding to the survey is 12 January 2024.

We are extremely grateful for your time and input! For comments or questions, please contact communications@gfmd.info

Access the Survey here.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your responses will solely be used for the specific purpose of this survey.

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