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Call for evidence – Digital economy and society

Status: Closed

Organisation: European Commission

Deadline: 03/05/2023

Location: Global

About this initiative

The European Commission will develop a vision for emerging virtual worlds (e.g. metaverses), based on respect for digital rights and EU laws and values. The aim is open, interoperable and innovative virtual worlds that can be used safely and with confidence by the public and businesses. Informed by input from a ‘citizens’ panel’, this initiative would describe this vision, address opportunities and societal challenges, and announce upcoming implementation measures.

Digital economy and society

Type of act

Commission Work Programme

Feedback period
05 April 2023 – 03 May 2023 (midnight Brussels time)

The Commission would like to hear your views.
This call for evidence is open for feedback. Your input will be taken into account as we further develop and fine-tune this initiative. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

More about call for evidence

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