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Call for Case Studies and Literature on National Journalism Funds

Status: Open

Organisation: Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)

Deadline: Ongoing

Location: Online

As part of our ongoing efforts to gather valuable insights and knowledge, GFMD invites members and partners to help us expand this spreadsheet with case studies and literature on National Journalism Funds.

On July 5, GFMD IMPACT held a consultation on national funds to support journalism and public interest media. You can find more information about the event here.

We want to create a comprehensive and diverse collection of case studies and literature that illustrate the impact and effectiveness of National Journalism Funds in various settings. You can access the spreadsheet here and add your contributions directly.

Explore the existing literature review and case studies here.

Find the full briefing on National Journalism Funds (NJF’S), policy paper and how you can contribute here.


About National Journalism funds NJF’s

A National Journalism Fund (NJF) is a type of fund with a strategic sectoral purpose, in which governments could play an anchoring and catalytic role, complementing and reinforcing other policy measures. NJFs are structures that enable governments to provide arm’s length support, without compromising the editorial independence of media that receive support from the fund. They are designed partly to correct market failures or imbalances and partly to shape or even create aspects of the market, have been established in various forms in a number of countries and are currently under active discussion in countries including Armenia, Brazil, Sierra Leone, and South Africa

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