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Legal Research Consultant

Status: Closed

  • Consultancy

Organisation: RNW Media

Deadline: 21/12/2023

Location: MENA Region

RNW Media is looking for a legal research consultant who will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive research study on censorship and freedom of expression online in Egypt, Lebanon, and Iraq, with a specific focus on how these laws and practices affect gender-related issues particularly sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

This research is a critical component of RNW Media’s commitment to advancing freedom of expression online in the MENA region through the Masarouna programme and RNW Media’s digital rights agenda.

The consultant’s work will inform the development of evidence-based strategies and interventions that empower young people and marginalised communities to engage more actively in digital spaces while advocating for their rights.


The consultant is expected to deliver the following key outputs:

Inception Report:

  • Provide an inception report outlining the research methodology, timeline, and data collection plan within two weeks of contract commencement, ensuring that the approach aligns with the objectives of the Masarouna programme.

Draft Research Report:

  • Submit a comprehensive draft research report for review, including findings, analysis, and actionable recommendations specifically tailored to inform the Masarouna programme’s strategies.

Final Research Report:

  • Incorporate feedback received during the review process and submit the final research report, ensuring that it serves as a blueprint for the development of Masarouna’s initiatives.


  • Prepare a presentation summarising the research findings and actionable recommendations, with a focus on how these findings will guide the design and implementation of the Masarouna programme.



  • Advanced degree in law, human rights, gender studies, or a related field.
  • Demonstrated expertise in legal research, human rights, and gender issues.
  • Prior experience in conducting research on censorship, freedom of expression, AND gender-related topics.
  • Fluent in Arabic.
  • Sexural Reproductive Health and Rights is highly desirable.

Access to Resources:

  • Access to relevant legal databases and sources of information.
  • Ability to conduct interviews and surveys in Arabic and English.


  • The consultant should be available to start the assignment immediately and complete it within a timeframe of [January 2024- April 2024].


If you are interested, please send your CV and a proposal (including methodology of the research, a sample of previous work, timeline, and a budget) in Arabic or English to azelmat@rnw.org by December 21, 2023. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

Learn more here about the job and apply.

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