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Europe: Four mentors on gender and media

Status: Closed

  • Mentoring

Organisation: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

Deadline: 19/05/2023

Location: Europe

As part of the EU- funded project “Rewriting the Story”, the project consortium (IFJ, Padova University and COPEAM) is looking for four experts to complete a mentoring session involving journalists’ unions and broadcasters’ representatives on enhancing gender equality in the media.


The EU-funded project “Rewriting the Story: Gender, Media and Politics” aims at addressing barriers to the fair representation and portrayal of women and men in political life in European countries.

One of the project activities includes a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) programme involving managers, producers, journalists and journalists’ unions to produce and adopt protocols, guidelines, and agreements and initiate a mindset shift towards gender equality in editorial decisions, newsroom organisation and working conditions.

The consortium is looking for 4 mentors to facilitate this P2P activity.


The multilateral P2P exchanges will help strengthen the capacities of 6 Public Service Media and 6 journalists unions’ skills to tackle gender stereotypes in the media/press coverage, with a specific focus on women representation in the political news coverage. This process includes the identification of areas of concern, the development of an ad-hoc action plan and the setting-up of achievable and measurable goals for newsrooms’ reforms.

The task of the mentors will involve:

  1. Supporting peers in reviewing their working routines and workplace arrangements from a gender equality perspective
  2. Enhancing peers’ capacity to develop gender equality internal guidelines/strategies/tools.
  3. Defining effective methods of management and monitoring of the results

Qualifications and skills required:

  • Working experience in a newsroom
  • Strong knowledge of gender equality in the media both from an editorial and work perspective
  • Ability to formulate ideas for viable solutions.
  • Knowledge of trade unionism
  • Experience in gender mainstreaming in media industries
  • Experience in facilitating workshops and leading discussions.
  • Knowledge and experience in developing media / information strategies.
  • Knowledge of international and European standards on gender equality in the media and existing tools, initiatives and strategies to foster gender equality in the media.
  • Excellent command of English.

Work description

  • Participate in three 2-day group meetings taking place in 3 EU countries and bringing together 12 peers (to be scheduled between September 2023 and May 2024)
  • One-to-one remote mentoring throughout the process
  • Write meeting reports in English (jointly elaborated with the peers)
  • Total number of working days: 11

Applicants must be located in an EU country.

Send cover letter and CV to echiaberge@copeam.org by 19/05/2023.

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