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Expert Tips for Fundraising for Investigative Journalism in Africa

On the 10th of September 2024, the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) hosted a webinar in which experts shared tips and insights on how to address the challenges of fundraising for investigative journalism in Africa. Moderated by GFMD’s Membership and Engagement Manager, Fiona Nzingo, the webinar provided a platform for journalists and media organisations in Africa and beyond to learn practical strategies for securing sustainable funding.

Author: Communications Gfmd | 12. September 2024

Prioritising Impact and Integrity in Fundraising for Investigative Journalism

Dr. Kole Shettima, Director of the Nigeria Office of the MacArthur Foundation, emphasised the importance of focusing on anti-corruption and accountability in fundraising efforts, noting that investigative journalism should be seen as a means to an end.

“It is important, as investigative journalists, to approach other groups or organisations with the understanding that our work is a means to an end. Our focus should be on its societal impact and not the money.”

He outlined several key strategies for successful fundraising, including the importance of thoroughly researching potential funding opportunities and the benefits of establishing not-for-profit organisations to attract support. Dr. Shettima also advocated for forming partnerships with civil society groups and collaborating within a cohort to strengthen funding proposals.

Furthermore, he underscored the need to leverage technology, explore non-traditional funding sources, and recognise that while investigative journalism is vital to society, it is also expensive and demands both substantial funding and high-quality skills.

Watch the recording here:

Strengthening Africa’s Media Ecosystem

Lebogang Maphada, Senior Investment Officer at the Media Development Investment Fund, highlighted MDIF’s role in providing debt and equity financing, along with capacity-building programs aimed at strengthening Africa’s media ecosystem. She emphasised the importance of building a resilient and sustainable business, sharing tips on how to do so. She stressed the importance of having a basic understanding of the funding landscape and building a strong business foundation, emphasising the importance of measuring and tracking impact.

“You have to tell your story. If you don’t measure and track impact, it’s difficult to do so. Have systems in place to collect data and feedback on your projects.”

Additionally, Maphada encouraged media organisations to maximise the value of their networks through resource-sharing and collaboration, urging a shift from viewing peers as competitors to investing in partnerships.

GIJN webinar - Fundraising for Investigative Journalism in Africa

Tips for Fundraising for Investigative Journalism in Africa

Makmid Kamara, Inaugural Regional Director for Africa and the Middle East at the International Fund for Public Interest Media, highlighted the role of IFPIM as a financing mechanism for public interest media to operate and undertake work, stating the three impact goals of the organisation: keeping media alive, transforming media for economic resilience and supporting the media ecosystem. He shared seven tips investigative journalists could employ in getting grants:

  • Focus on the issue your investigative story aims to address, and not the money itself.
  • Create a virtuous, upward cycle of quality not quantity.
  • Be realistic with your timeframe, knowing investigation takes time and fundraising takes an even longer time.
  • Produce content with an agenda for societal value
  • Have an audience engagement strategy.
  • Avoid the bright and shiny topics. Focus on issues that affect and are of more importance to your community and the audience you seek to serve
  • Make friends with grantmakers

Relevant GFMD Fundraising Tools and Resources

  • MediaDev Fundraising Guide: our key resource to help you submit better – and more successful funding proposals. It is available in multiple languages!
  • Find Funding: This page is an excellent resource to find the latest funding opportunities for your organisation. It also features the latest news on fundraising, tips, and the latest publications of our newsletter.
  • Bottom Line is our newsletter on MediaDev and journalism fundraising. Every month, we bring you news from the world of media funding, profiles of media donors, and expert insight from GFMD’s MediaDev Fundraising Guide.


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