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Climate Journalism Workshop

Status: Closed

Organisation: Embassy of France in Bangladesh

Deadline: 25/07/2024

Location: Sri Lanka

The Embassy of France in Bangladesh is pleased to announce applications for the Climate Journalism Workshop which aims to gather journalists from South Asia to reflect on the challenges and opportunities related to climate change, ahead of COP 29.

Through interactive sessions, discussions, and practical exercises, participants will be invited to collectively brainstorm new angles to effectively report on climate issues, raise public awareness, and encourage action.

  • Raise awareness among participants about the issues of climate change and its impact on their local communities.
  • Enhance participants’ skills in research, information gathering, and fact-checking regarding climate issues.
  • Encourage collaboration and idea exchange between journalists and French stakeholders to understand France’s commitments and ambitions in climate policy.
  • The workshop will take place in-person over a period of 3 days: 2-day theory sessions to detail how to write about impact in news stories focusing on climate change.
  • 1-day field visit for journalists to practice combining policy and impact in their stories.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Participation from news media/journalists who meet the following criteria will be preferred: Are between 18 and 35 years of age.
  • Have a track record of 1 year minimum working on climate-related issues within their newsrooms (articles to be shared).
  • Hold a valid passport that would enable them to undertake travel to Sri Lanka in September, as per Sri Lanka visa requirements.
  • Commit to 1 article on the AFD Ceylon Tea project to be published after their return from the workshop.
Potential Story Topics
  • “Climate Change Brews Trouble: What are the Challenges Faced by the Sri Lankan Tea Industry Amidst Erratic Weather Patterns?”
  • “Climate Crisis a Threat to Tea Production: How are Producers Keeping the Industry Sustainable?”
Expenses Covered by the AFD
  • Return flights from country/city of origin
  • Airport transfers
  • Hotel stay for the duration of the seminar
  • Meals, including breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Field visits
Registration guidelines

For more information about this opportunity and to apply, please click here.

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