Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund
Organisation: Pulitzer Center
Status: Open
Funding Size: $5,000 to $15,000
Deadline: Ongoing
The Pulitzer Center is inviting proposals for the Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund Grants to journalists reporting for wide-reaching major news media outlets on tropical rainforests in any part of the world.
The supported international journalism projects will focus on the following themes:
The Pulitzer Center will fund international travel costs associated with reporting projects on tropical rainforests, with an emphasis on issues that have gone unreported or under-reported in the mainstream American media.
Distribution: Proposed projects must include a credible plan for broad dissemination of the resulting work in U.S. and/or European news media (print, online and/or broadcast). Applicants should be able to demonstrate interest from editors and/or producers working in wide-reaching U.S. and/or European news media outlets. The credibility of a distribution plan is generally most evident in an applicant’s track record working with the listed outlets.
Safety: If the project proposal involves reporting in a hostile or dangerous environment, Pulitzer Center requires that the applicants and potential outlets adhere strictly to the ACOS Alliance principles. Freelancers who plan to report from conflict zones or hostile environments must have a firm assignment from a news organization that will assume full responsibility for his/her well-being. The Pulitzer Center is committed to support for Hostile Environment Training where appropriate.
Within a week of submission, the applicants should receive a confirmation of receipt. Typically applications that are received in a given month receive a response by the end of the following month, with an emphasis on making Pulitzer Center projects as timely and newsworthy as possible.
If the proposal requires immediate attention, please note why in the 250-word description.
See here to learn more and apply.
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