DRL FY22 Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement Round 2
Organisation: Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor
Organisation: Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor
Status: Closed
Funding Size: $500,000 to $3,000,000
Deadline: 13/01/2023
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) from organizations interested in submitting Statements of Interest (SOI) for programs that support Internet Freedom.
DRL’s goal is to protect the open, interoperable, secure, and reliable Internet by promoting fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the free flow of information online through integrated support to civil society for technology, digital safety, policy and advocacy, and applied research programs.
SOIs must address the goal(s) of one or more of the Internet Freedom Funding Themes:
See here to learn more and apply.
Access the Fundraising Guide for expert advice on how to improve your fundraising applications and to identify prospective donors.