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Solutions Journalism Accelerator Programme

Organisation: European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Status: Closed

  • Grant

Funding Size: 130,000€

Deadline: 06/05/2022

  • Eligibility criteria:
    – Individual media organisations or consortiums of up to two media organisations
    – Must be opinion-forming media organisations that are based in and/or have significant reach to audiences in one or more of the following target countries: France, Germany, United KingdomIn the case of a consortium
    – Organisations (or in the case of a consortium, the ‘lead applicant’) must have prior application or experience of solutions journalismThis can include publication of solutions journalism stories, receiving grants or other funding for solutions journalism initiatives, editorial staff completing solutions journalism training etc
    – Organisations should be signed up to a press regulator, trust initiative, or part of a press association
  • Type of funding: Core
  • Target country: France, Germany, UK
  • Application language: English

The European Journalism Centre (EJC) in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) has launched the Solutions Journalism Accelerator that is supporting up to 18 European media organisations/ consortiums reporting on long-term solutions-focused development journalism.

The Solutions Journalism Accelerator is a programme delivering grant funding, mentoring, coaching, resources and knowledge transfer to support solutions-focused development journalism in European news organisations.

Each of the funded media organisations/ consortiums will be awarded up to €130,000 to help them deliver one comprehensive solutions-focused development journalism project comprising a 12-month reporting period (i.e. 12 in-depth, separately published, linked stories recognisable as a series).

See here to learn more and apply.

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