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There are 5 easy steps to becoming a GFMD member:

Fill in the GFMD Membership Form

1. Fill in the Membership Form

Fill in the membership form (it takes only 10 minutes!). You will need to:

2. Application Review

The GFMD Secretariat will review your application and prepare it for the GFMD Membership Committee’s vetting process.

3. Approval by the Steering Committee

All applications must be approved by the Steering Committee before the formal membership process can be finalised.

4. Onboarding

If accepted, the GFMD Secretariat will welcome you by sending all necessary GFMD documents, and links to join relevant groups and announcing to our community about your membership. Our Finance Manager will contact you regarding fees, which will be based on the type of membership specified in your application.

5. Engagement as a GFMD Member

The GFMD Secretariat looks forward to an active engagement with you as a member, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship for our continuous collaboration!

Categories of Membership

General Membership

  • Criteria: General membership of GFMD is open to independent organisations, whose work focuses significantly on the journalism and media support sector.
  • Membership rights: GFMD General members have the right to stand and vote in elections to the GFMD Steering Committee, other Committees, and any matter that is put to a vote of the general membership.

Affiliate membership

  • Criteria: Affiliate Membership of GFMD is open to journalism and media organisations, partners and grantees of GFMD general members and other organisations associated with existing GFMD partners, who have less than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than €2 million.
  • Membership rights: GFMD’s Affiliate members do not have the right to stand and vote in elections to the GFMD Steering Committee, other Committees, and any matter that is put to a vote of the general membership.

Membership fees

Find out more about annual membership fees in the table below:

Explore the advantages of becoming a member of the GFMD community!


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